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How Donald Trump’s dark energy lifted us into the Light

Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.By Albert Einstein’s calculations, everything is energy. Although our ability to “read” the energy that surrounds us wasn’t part of his equation, most of us do possess that gift. We walk into a room or meet someone new, and we can instantly discern whether the invisible energy and vibrational frequencies in that space or around that person resonate with our vibe.

As immortal souls who are temporarily having a human experience, we don’t see energy as good or bad, but as light or dark. Light energy emits a brilliant, free-willing, powerful, attractive, truthful-loving, generous, and life-giving vibration. By contrast, dark energy casts a heavy, oppressive, commanding, forceful, dishonest, fearsome, avaricious, and untrustworthy vibe.

Does that mean dark energy is “bad”? I do not think so. Like many others, I see dark energy as a fascination. OK, sometimes it’s also annoying. But as Joseph (of “Technicolor Dreamcoat” fame) reportedly said in Genesis 50:20, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” In other words, dark energy can be a tool, a barbell that can strengthen our spiritual muscles for our Highest Good. 

I know, you’re wondering what this has to do with Donald J. Trump. Everything, actually. And nothing. Let me explain:

Super-size that dark energy, please!

In Drama Queen Workshops, we act on the premise that all energy is “good.” We draw that conclusion from another premise: Every soul has a good reason, a purpose, for being on Earth’s stage right now. And every prominent member of our cast, from intimate lovers to complete strangers, is here to help us fulfill the purpose we established for this incarnation. Even if our interactions are painful or even traumatic, they serve the soul’s purpose. Perhaps they repay old karmic debts or they are so jarring or traumatizing that they speed our awakening or ascension.

2 Corinthians 4:18Think of purpose as the motivating force behind our lifetime dramas, the scenes we scripted prior to slipping into these human body costumes. Wait. What? Did I say you scripted your miserable lifetime? I did.

Consider the possibility that Life is eternal, and anything that does not last forever—such as everything in the physical world—is not real. What if, as the offspring of an invisible, invincible, immortal, and equitable energy often called God, you were granted free will to create anything and do anything you wanted? But there’s a caveat: Whatever you do will be done to you; i.e., Karma will balance your actions.

With all eternity to live, what if billions of souls created a hellish physical universe to test our embrace of this simple principle and to practice instantly activating our Light in darkness?

The vibration in the physical universe is so slow, high-vibrating souls must wear low-vibrating human body costumes to be visible. These bodies are so dense, they add another challenge: We forget why we came. Invariably, we treat others in ways we would not want to be treated—and we must return to the hellish world and try to balance our behavior.

To successfully restore balance, the timing of our return is important. To accelerate our ascension to higher realms, ambitious souls return when the drama on Earth is peaking. There is a churning sea of dark energies: incivility, hypocrisy, lawlessness, corruption, deception, cruelty, misogyny, violence, disdain for truth, reverence for lies, greed, power struggles, and wars.

Before re-entry, we knew that America was the perfect stage on which to play. According to the master script, the country’s ghastly inhumane roots would burst through the thin layer of concrete that had barely obscured it for decades. It was an encore of a previous time—and an optimal time for us to re-enter to repay debts we owed from that visit. Perhaps we should wear costumes of a different color than our previous ones. As a bonus, we could perfect our godly-forgiveness proficiency.

Chicagoans protest the dark energy of the Trump presidencyIt served our purpose for anti-Christian energy to be on Earth. We knew the dark energy of a malevolent and malignant narcissist would attract souls who shared his beliefs and longings. We knew he could lure hoards of dark energies into public spaces by declaring himself their savior. Only he could unmask their racial hatred and religious hypocrisy. Souls who failed to learn the “let he who is without sin” lesson would amass karmic debt by trying to force women to give birth against their will. They would guzzle and amplify his lies and believe only “alternative facts”. These dark energies would pack huge venues; some would even sacrifice their bodies to attend.

Trump was the perfect barbell for souls whose purpose for this lifetime was to actively proclaim our discipleship to the energies of Light, Love, Truth, Peace, and Civility. He shook us from the comfort of our complacency and strengthened our resistance muscles. He also was the perfect catalyst for America to begin repaying its longstanding karmic debt. The country prospered from inhumanity, avarice, violence, dishonesty, and theft. The same values are destined to lead to its downfall.

Light energy coalesced as The Resistance during Donald Trump's tenure.

Women’s March 2017, Chicago © Patricia Arnold

We peacefully marched, actively protested, and filled polling places—for four human years. With every hurtful act he committed, we grew more furious. We hated everything he did, all the relationships he destroyed, and families he tore apart, not only at our southern border but at our dining room tables. We hated what he had done to our country, our air, our water. We hated the racism, the lawlessness, and corruption. We hated the media outlets, lawmakers, and sycophants who blithely championed unChristlike Christianity.

We awoke each morning, reaching for our phones to see what despicable thing he had done while we slept. He lied about COVID-19, urging his followers to act as if it wasn’t serious. Wearing masks would remind everyone that a problem existed and he could not save them. Millions contracted the disease. Hundreds of thousands died. America, with four percent of the world’s population, had nearly 25% of the coronavirus cases. We hated him more. Then, he led an attempted coup, leading to five deaths and dozens of injuries.

We were so outraged and distracted, we didn’t notice that his dark energies—hatred, anger, and fear—were slowly dimming our Light and they were threatening to derail one of the prime purposes for this lifetime: to perfect the practice of shining our Light to disperse dark energies. Mercifully, the Great Light whispered this reminder to writer and poet D. A. Schulman. He shared it online: D.A. Schulman quote about hate

We were ready to let go of hate, too. Our inner light began to flicker, then glow. We remembered that we created Trump’s dark energy drama. Now, we thank him for serving our purpose.

How groundhogs and falling leaves affect your prosperity

Years ago, a journalist friend in Washington, DC, who also had walked away from her job with a prestigious media outlet, had a suggestion: Why don’t we enroll in a free online 40-day prosperity class?

We could barely afford to wait 40 days for our ships to come in. We immediately plowed into the program and followed all the directives precisely, keenly aware that we had no margin for error.

From prosperity to prospoority

What do you mean, I'm overdrawn? I still have checks left!We joyfully and diligently did the work, fully expecting that the abundance we sought would be the abundance we’d see. A few days before the end of our journey—and just as my rent was due—someone made two $900 charges on my debit card. I was $1,800 less prosperous than when I enrolled!

I eventually got my money back. But I got a lot more: a lesson in cause and effect. Admittedly, the prosperity class didn’t cause dollars to drain from my bank account. But it also didn’t cause a cent to be pumped into it.

Been there, done it

You can imagine my reaction when another entrepreneurial journalist friend told me a few days ago that she had enrolled in a prosperity class. To her delight, she then began receiving offers for freelance work.

“Are you saying the class is the reason you’re getting work?” I asked.


I probed further: “So, if the class hadn’t been offered—or if you hadn’t enrolled in it—your phone wouldn’t have rung?”

She paused. “Good question.”

She wasn’t totally convinced that the class shouldn’t be credited with her good fortune. After all, several classmates had shared great testimonials.

“Did everyone in the class have a testimonial?” I asked.

“No,” she conceded, getting my drift.

My drift was this: If everyone in a class becomes prosperous—and no one outside a class does—then, and only then, can we logically conclude that the class was the cause of the students’ prosperity.

Correlation, causation and coincidence

A psychiatrist recently told a story about folks who noticed a recurring phenomenon: Every year, leaves fell off the trees. After that, it snowed! They concluded that falling leaves cause falling snow.

Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog DayDon’t snicker. For more than 120 years, we’ve claimed a wacky correlation between spring’s arrival and a hapless rodent “seeing” his shadow. Statistics show no correlation between the two. I think the falling-leaves-cause-snow people get the last laugh!

Looking but not seeing, hearing but not listening

Most of us find it unfathomable that we are made in the image of Our Creator: invincible, immortal, invisible, omniscient and divine. We believe that we are merely the physical shell, and outer conditions and other humans ultimately control our lives.

Our Ego-Selves are outwardly focused, always comparing other physical shells’ possessions with our own. Ego incessantly yammers in our heads: “Let’s go here, do this. Why can’t we have that?” When it’s not dictates our desires, it’s distracting us with fear of loss and worry.

If we don’t own our egos, they will own us

Head for the future, forget the pastThose who have learned to be in this world, but not of it, hear Ego’s fear-peddling messages; but they are not disturbed or distracted. In their view, this planet is like educational theater: instructive, but not always entertaining.

They know that every lesson on Earth’s stage has the perfect setting, props and supporting cast. Human is merely a role we play, even though Ego says it is who we are.

Perspective can land you in a trick bag

Through ego's eyesPerspective is a powerful thing, and it comes with consequences attached. For example, Ego has taught us to judge situations and other actors on Earth’s stage as “good” or “bad,” and treat them accordingly. However, if we’re held accountable for how we treat others, and are treated the way we treat others, we can find ourselves in a trick bag, inflicting unnecessary pain and distress upon ourselves.

Through Ego’s eyes, adversity is bad. It should be feared, avoided, and eliminated. That’s why, when adversity enters the stage, we instantly panic. If it doesn’t paralyze us, we rush into “fix it” mode, running around with our hair on fire, looking outside of ourselves for solutions. Like classes or prayer.

Ego has taught us to pray to a “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. How much can you grovel” God. And he cleverly placed God light years away, in outer space.

Ego’s no dummy: How fast does sound travel? How many light years away is the Ego’s God? Prayers won’t even arrive before your physical life ends.

It’s to Ego’s advantage that they don’t: Frightened humans, whose prayers aren’t always answered, are so much easier to manipulate. And much more apt to believe it when Ego says, “You can’t trust God. You can only count on yourself.”

The prospering power of adversity

Through the loving, nonjudgmental eyes of the Eternal Spirit of Love that others of us call God, adversity is the identical twin of prosperity. But most of us can’t see that because we’re bouncing around like unguided missiles, looking for something to change our circumstances—ideally, inject some prosperity into our lives.

Unguided missiles

We wonder: Didn’t someone say that God wants us to be rich? In that case, everyone on Earth should be rich!

Just as there is no correlation between groundhogs and spring—or falling leaves and snow—there is no correlation between the outer world and your prosperity.

Prosperity is as invisible as the real you, the invincible, immortal, omniscient and divine you that was made in the image of Your Creator. Your prosperity is the fulfillment of your unique life purpose. It cannot be caused, created or discovered through anything tangible.

Your prosperity lives within you, as you. Just because you refuse to look or acknowledge it or your own divinity doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep gettin’ what you got. You have been given free will to go within, ask, listen and follow divine direction. Or you can keep following Ego’s map.

Pat ArnoldJoin me March 29-31 at “The Gold Rush” spiritual conference for women!

Come hear Iyanla Vanzant, Susan Taylor and other dynamic speakers. On Friday, have some fun in my latest Drama Queen Workshop: “Have You Lost Your MINE?” It’s gonna be a blast! For more information, click here.