No Two DQWorkshops Are the Same
The fundamental question in all DQWorkshops is the same: “Who Are You—and Why Are You Here?” But no two events have ever been the same.
Each workshop is designed to address the specific needs or questions of the individuals gathered in small groups. For large conferences or fundraisers, the workshops are aligned with the theme of the organization’s event. Sometimes the size or layout of the venue or time allotment influences the structure of the interactive content. In all cases, the aim is to deliver what attendees came to receive: an enjoyable and memorable experience in which they learn more about themselves and their soul purpose.
Together, we explore some long-held views about Life and humans’ role on Earth’s stage—and whether our current understanding of Life supports or prevents us from discovering and fulfilling our soul purpose. You’re ready for a DQWorkshop if you’ve ever pondered any of these questions:
- Am I a body with a soul or a soul with a body?
- How does my self perception impact the world?
- How does the world impact my self perception?
- Did I arrive here by chance or choice?
- Where do I find clues that reveal your soul purpose?