You might recall that this time last year, the ancient Law of Attraction was in the process of becoming a 21st century fad. That excitement soon faded, after millions did not get the results they desired. It’s not that the bearers of this ancient Truth were wrong; they weren’t. They simply didn’t tell us the entire secret.
I promised in this space several months ago that I would fill in some of those blanks. At that time, I’d hoped to be able to deliver it to you around Thanksgiving. However, the Universe felt that this was a better time; winter solstice, New Year, it’s a period of rebirth.
It’s now time to understand why many of those Law of Attraction tactics didn’t work the way you wanted or expected. It’s finally time to discuss the secrets of this spiritual Law that no one seems to want to talk about. (They don’t call me the “Loud Mouth in the Balcony” for nothin’! I’m tellin’.)
On New Year’s Day, you can find out what those secrets are: the four simple principles that determine your outcomes. They’re revealed in a free audio book that will help you enter 2008 with a new aptitude for why you attract certain experiences and people into your life. This is the full narration of my March 2008 hardcover release, Crossing an Unseen Bridge. The audio book will sell for $29.95 after the holidays. Right now, it is my gift to you with every pre-order of the printed edition ($15.95).
Crossing an Unseen Bridge promises to be as enlightening, empowering and entertaining as my whimsical spiritual memoir, EARTH Is the MOTHER of All Drama Queens. I hope this audio gift will be as much of a blessing to everyone as that book, and that it will provide a powerful start to your New Year.
This free audio book offer is open only to members
of my mailing list, as of December 31, 2007!
You can join that list by signing up in the
of my mailing list, as of December 31, 2007!
You can join that list by signing up in the
Drama Queen Workshops bookstore.
So many have commented that reading my work is like having me in the room talking to them. This time, I will really be there! I look forward to spending quality time with you.
Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year!