Drama Queen Workshops are a journey in self-discovery through personal drama. No acting experience necessary. We have been acting since our arrival on Earth’s stage.
“players” learn to search for their own spiritual truth and find their own life purpose by examining their own life dramas. Although players are not told what to believe, they are highly encouraged to think before believing because we are held accountable for our beliefs. We must fully understand what we believe, why we believe it, and the implications of our beliefs.
The workshops guide players in unmasking important parts of themselves they’ve never seen. They learn to explore their life experiences/dramas objectively, rather than through the traditional filter of fear, threats and control. It’s inside those dramas that we will invariably discover our soul purpose, the reason for this visit to this planet at this time.
We have been so coerced by fear to believe the implausible and worship the diabolical, we are now suffering from multi-generational symptoms of double-mindedness. Evidence: Millions would never want a loved one convicted and executed for their wrongdoing—with one exception. In fact, they insist, the slow and sadistic torture of a loyal, obedient and loving son is an act of love.
Does that make sense? If not, you are ready to explore other options, including the possibility that God is consistently peaceful and benevolent; never angry, cruel, violent, vengeful, or demonically punitive; never expressing the worst attributes of human beings. You are ready to view God through an “if Love wouldn’t, God didn’t” lens.
In Drama Queen Workshops, that is the lens through which we view God. we dare to imagine that we are made in the likeness and image of God: invisible, invincible and immortal spirit—souls, temporarily wearing human body costumes so we can be visible in this realm. That changes everything: From how we view the drama in this world to how we show up in our own scenes.
We experiment by looking at our life dramas more objectively, rather than through a filter of fear, punishment and control. We observe them “from the balcony of Life”, as if we were watching theater—as if, as Shakespeare posited, “all the world’s a stage”. The fun begins, and the transformations.
What if every actor on the stage responded to a casting call or wrote a script? What if they scheduled their own entrances and exits?come to this drama-filled planet to grow in evolutionary ways that deepen our relationship with a God who loves and forgives us, as unconditionally as the father in the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
- DQWorkshops are conducted for groups or individuals.
- Each workshop is tailored to the needs of the players.
- All workshops guide players on a path of self-discovery.
- Players receive tools to uncover their unique purpose—and facilitate the fulfillment of that purpose before their final curtain falls.