Karma is perhaps the most misunderstood and maligned spiritual law, which is odd because it is so simple—and benevolent. Drama Queen Workshop Principle #1, Life is always fair, pays homage to this law.
In a nutshell, karma restores balance. It appears in Judeo-Christian scripture as “eye for an eye.” It is “what goes around comes around,” or as we say in Drama Queen Workshops, “Whatever you do will be done to you.” Not good, not bad, just balance. If you’ve been kind and generous, kindness and generosity will return to you.
Karma Is the True Law of Attraction
Unquestionably, karma is not a Christian belief. Central to Christianity are the mandatory beliefs that 1) God will sadistically torment you throughout all eternity for sins you commit during this bat-of-an-eyelash human lifetime and 2) God would not forgive the guilty unless an innocent son was brutally tortured to death.
Whether traditional or New Thought, Christians worship excess rather than fairness and balance. New Thought Christians, who worship a benevolent god, believe you reap 100 times the material blessings for each buck you’ve given. Traditional Christians believe God’s default response to human error is brutal and excessive punishment. Their god’s behavior is cruel, unusual and unfair. The heinous banishment of Adam and Eve—creatures made of mud and bone, with a brain capacity and decision-making ability comparable with Pinocchio, who was also manufactured from natural materials—and the genocidal Great Flood bear witness.
Christians passionately revere and defend these implausible stories and their depictions of an inhumane god who gives us free will and will torment us forever if we dare to exercise it. They endorse this diabolical behavior as godly, which draws them to the conclusion that vengeful, sadistic punishment and murder must be proper responses to transgressions. This behavior is good—because God, whom they worship, did it.
It is through this cock-eyed lens that can clearly see why, in that great theater of truth, the White House Press Room, Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci would proclaim with a straight face that Donald Trump “has really good karma and the world turns back to him.”
Scaramucci gets the concept. But let us take a look at some of the behaviors that he finds good because Trump—whom Scaramucci and 26% of America’s eligible voters worship—did it:
- Sexually assaulting women, by his own account.
- Sadistically supporting efforts to force women to give birth against their will.
- Ripping parents from their children through deportation, with the heartlessness of a slave master.
- Advocating the assassination of terrorists’ families.
- Endorsing torture.
- Risking the lives and health of more than 20 million Americans, simply because he wants to annihilate the legacy of a black president.
- Bearing false witness against his prime obsession, Barack Obama. Repeatedly.
- Habitually lacking integrity, exhibited through his unfaithfulness to wives and business partners, and pathologically lying about…whatever.
- Inciting his supporters to violently violate the rights and bodies of dissenting attendees at public rallies.
- Satanically thriving on revenge; bullying anyone who disagrees with him.
- Disrespecting the physical and mental torture endured by John McCain.
- Filing multiple bankruptcies to walk away from debt.
- Pretending to be a Christian, whatever that means these days.
- Pretending to be a billionaire.
- Pretending to donate more than $100 million to charity, and establishing a foundation that admitted to the Internal Revenue Service that it violated a legal prohibition against self-dealing
- Pretending he was financing his campaign and would be beholden to no one.
- Fomenting racial hatred, misogyny and xenophobia.
- Acting in ways that caused him to be a defendant in more than 1,400 lawsuits
- Pandering to the moneychangers in Evangelical Christian temples.
- Divulging classified information to Russian government officials.
- Allowing a known foreign agent to control America’s national security, and have access to the nation’s top secrets.
- Aggressively attempting to hide the Truth from investigators.
- Leveraging his office to enrich his family business.
- Putting other entrepreneurs out of business because he refused to pay.
- Viciously demeaning his competitors and other members of the human family.
- Being willing to win at any cost, even if the cost is our democratic principles.
- Establishing a for-profit non-accredited “university” that allegedly defrauded its students, and threatened those students for complaining.
- Misleading middle class Americans to believe he was the cure for their ills.
- Screaming “America First,” demanding onshore manufacturing while his family’s businesses manufacture abroad.
- Willingness to subject another generation to the dangers of coal mining—and countless other acts harmful to God’s children.
Some Losses Are Disguised as Wins. Bigly.
Every soul leaves Home with an angel on its shoulder. Her name? Karma. Nothing we do during our traverse through this physical world or others escapes her notice. Everything we do is a work order, triggering a ricochet that will be pleasant or painful.
We have the opportunity to choose, upfront, what returns. We are more likely to blow that opportunity when we believe that we are bodies that possess souls, rather than souls that temporarily wear bodies.
There are dark forces that want us to believe the former. They want us to believe that God is trillions of light years away, and the only real things are perceptible with the human eye. They want us to believe that material wealth is a gift from God and that manifesting matter is evidence of spiritual achievement. They prefer that we’re distracted by shiny objects so that we do not fulfill the mission for which we came. It keeps us on the karmic wheel so they can mess with our heads. Again and again.
Because we don’t always see the effects of karma while a soul is wearing a particular costume, the forces have convinced us that crimes can actually go unanswered. But just as the clothes students wear to class do not receive diplomas, the human body costumes we temporarily wear are not the recipients of our karma.
Karma is attached to the immortal part of us, the soul who is wearing that costume in this classroom called Earth’s Theater. At the most perfect time and in the most perfect way, karma returns the pain or pleasure we’ve given. On occasion, we’re lucky; it returns while we’re wearing the same costume and we can connect the dots.
We should not take a public job if we want to maintain private secrets. But ultimately, the soul who is currently wearing the human body costume we recognize as Donald J. Trump, Sr. may escape every legal remedy available through man-made jurisprudence and congressional authority. After all, America has amassed a tremendous amount of karma itself that needs to be repaid, perhaps through the dismantling of all it holds dear: its status as a world leader and its facade of equal justice and opportunity for all. Trump could be part of the payment plan. We’ll know soon enough.
There is but One Life—and It Is Eternal
Unlike manmade law, spiritual laws are inescapable. They apply equally and produce the same results for everyone.
In chiding Scaramucci for his hilarious claim that the Karma-Creator-in-Chief has a positive balance in his karmic bank account, CNN’s Jake Tapper reflected the typical misunderstanding of karma, incorrectly asserting that karma “takes place in the next life.” There is but one Life, Jake, and it is eternal.
While some of us believe that is a good thing, others hope life ends when their human body costumes die. They don’t want to held accountable for their actions. But everyone—not everybody—has an eternal date with karma, including the immortal soul currently known as Donald Trump.
If he has a fetish for showers; she will surely fulfill his fantasy. And, like the rule it inspired, it will be unmistakably golden.