Where did we get our spirit of fear?

Think these are scary times? Who gave you that spirit of fear?

Once upon a time, Halloween appeared once a year. Since 2016, it has popped up, intrusively and unannounced, almost every day. Oh, the horror stories! How often have we heard someone say these are “scary times?”

Mind-numbing and heartbreaking dramas are being enacted on stages throughout America. Millions of Christians are waging a war on Christianity, spitting disdainfully on Jesus’s teachings; embracing sexual assault, lies, corruption and cheating as the new normal. They scornfully consider treating others as they would want to be treated as “political correctness.” They cheer politicians who urge us to resolve conflict violently if anyone disagrees with them or is not White. They support government leaders who kidnap infants and children from their parents, even though they would be devastated if someone ripped their children from their arms.

Yes, the heartless barbarism of lesser developed, ancient civilizations has staged a comeback. As CNN anchor Chris Cuomo reflected recently, today’s political rally attendees share the values of crowds who cheered when Christians were fed to the lions.

Are the times scary—or are we simply choosing to respond to the times with fear?

Carpetbaggers peddling blatant lies and stoking our wildest fears have invaded centerstage in yet another revival of a weary, centuries-old drama. The casts change, but the ending is the same: The bad actors always lose.

Yes, it is disconcerting to discover that disciples of the Antichrist are in such close proximity, sometimes in our own families. Hold them in Light. Their decision to dive into a bubbling pool of bad karma should frighten them, not us. Eventually, they will awaken and remember this is a what-goes-around-comes-around world: Whatever we do while wearing these human body costumes will be done to us at some point in our eternal life.

Is Life fair?

Karma is scarier than hell.There are four principles Drama Queen Workshops hold dear. The first: Life is always fair. Folks typically are stunned by that. But it simply means we reap exactly what we sow—an eye for an eye. Fair? We believe so.

Karma balances our actions more fairly (and godly) than the demonic concept called hell.

It’s humans who use their God-given free will to act unfairly. They justify it by claiming God does the same: refusing to forgive the guilty unless an innocent son is brutally tortured to death.

Our beliefs free us—or freeze us

Those who believe we are souls created in the likeness and image of an invisible, invincible and immortal God have a different life experience than those who believe we are physical bodies. Since our beliefs heavily influence our behaviors, and our behaviors impact our outcomes, it is important to explore and understand our beliefs—and identity.

Only physical bodies experience fear; only bodies can be manipulated by it. Fear is not a soul experience.

The late President Franklin D. Roosevelt described fear as nameless, unreasoning, unjustified and paralyzing, and he declared that the only thing humans should fear is fear itself. There are other considerations.

Where did we get our spirit of fear?












Often, we adopt beliefs without thinking logically or critically because we’re afraid of being punished or ostracized. Sometimes, we’re threatened or belittled, which justifies our fear. We freeze. We won’t ask common sense questions and accept nonsensical answers.

Much of this manipulation is rooted in scriptures portraying God as diabolical, punitive, unforgiving, authoritarian and inhumane. The same book contradicts that, portraying God as divine, loving, generous and empowering. Among those scriptures: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2Timothy 1:7) Common sense question: Would God bestow those gifts on eternal souls or the human body costumes they are temporarily wearing to be visible here?

The human body can be a house divided

Most of us don’t trust someone who is kind one day and volatile the next—but we claim to trust a mercurial God. We don’t admire someone who has boasted of committing genocide—but we worship a genocidal God. We believe it’s unjust if an innocent man is executed for others’ crimes. But if God does it, and if the crimes were ours, OK.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.Any human body can be a house divided by holding conflicted beliefs. In ancient times, this was known as double-mindedness. I explored this curious phenomenon in a previous post that included a “Double-minded Quiz.” It went viral. You can take it here.

It is critical to examine our beliefs because an unstable mind is fertile ground for  manipulative fears. Are our beliefs consistent and plausible? Do they disparage God, dehumanize men and foment fear’s dark energy?

Earth is not for punks

The drama-fraught environment here, and its horror shows, offer unique opportunities for souls to evolve to higher spiritual levels. That’s why we chose to be here now, witnessing fright nights and election results.We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Government officials and press secretaries are not drowning themselves in bad karma for our entertainment. Their pain can be our gain.

Instead of letting them scare the bejesus out of you, challenge yourself to live fearlessly:

  1. Know thyself. You are a part of God, not the body costume you are wearing.
  2. Know what is godly. Defend God against fearmongers who accuse God of doing things only a demon would do.
  3. Overpower dark energy. Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. No matter what your religion, the light of the Christ is within you. Remove the bushel.
  4. Differentiate physical life from real Life. Physical life is finite. Real life is infinite. As the Apostle Paul wrote: Things that are seen are temporary; but things that are not seen are eternal.
  5. Choose the ethereal over the material. Anything you can’t take with you when you lift out of that body costume has no eternal (real) value. There’s wisdom in putting God first.
  6. Seek your life purpose. Every soul comes here purposefully. Seeing a lesson in everything you experience will help you find and fulfill your purpose, instead of failing your mission.
  7. Only create pleasant karma. We receive what we give. The most selfish thing you can do is treat others the way you want to be treated.
  8. Clear past painful karma. You have been alive forever, and you have made mistakes. You may have come to balance one or more of those mistakes. Welcome this opportunity to pay those debts; don’t fear it.

Earth is not for punks. There are less challenging places a soul can visit. But if you can be in this world but remember you are not “of it,” Beloved Soul, you can accomplish your purpose for this visit to Earth.

Remember: God gave you power, love and a strong mind. Don’t let ’em scare you.