Do you place your trust in the Finite or the Infinite?

Earth and the entire physical universe vibrate at a much lower frequency than spiritual beings, whose frequency is so high that they are invisible. Consequently, souls must wear human body costumes to be visible here. The visit itself is but a bat-of-an-eyelash experience in all eternity.

Surely, you have noticed that nobody has remained on Earth indefinitely. Common sense says that was never the intent; Earth is not Home. It is simply the only home human body costumes know, and they tend to freak out when someone leaves. But the fact is that not one soul came here to stay. In fact, no one really wants to. Earth is not heaven. It is not fun. Some, like Aldous Huxley, speculate that this planet is another planet’s hell. Ideally, we fulfill our mission and get out.

But how can we fulfill our mission if we don’t know what it is?

How do you explain why you have not been able to manifest your desires or create the life you want, no matter how much you prayed or meditated, how positively you thought, how clearly you visualized or how earnestly you claimed a specific outcome?

Perhaps you have misidentified yourself as the costume you are currently wearing. This is your life, not your body costume’s. Its desires take a backseat to your intention and your mission. A DQW can help both parts of you align, so your body never has to experience another disappointment.