Drama Queen Workshops are for adventurous souls willing to explore an alternative reality; one in which God acts like the father in the Parable of the Prodigal Son: unconditionally loving and forgiving, a source of genuine comfort and blessed assurance. In this reality, God is Love; no one is in danger or needs to be saved from anything Love does.

In DQWorkshops, we play with a common sense concept called “thinking before believing”. In some instances, players might examine a frightening story about God, as if they were thoughtfully reviewing a movie. In which category does this movie belong? Is it a well-written, mesmerizing and factual documentary worthy of award nominations or a B-rated flick with implausible plot lines?

Spirituality seeks Truth, and is open to questions; it even invites them. And in DQWorkshops, we ask quite a few. One of our favorite questions is: Could Shakespeare have been onto something?

All the world's a stageWhat if this tiny blue planet called Earth—this constantly changing, deteriorating physical realm—is merely an educational theater for immortal souls? What if evolutionary lessons are taught through dramas—big and small, joyful and terrifying? What if every drama predictably ends the same way: all souls reap what they have sown—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?

Some of the world’s most brilliant scientists have given serious consideration to the possibility that the physical world is not reality. Among them, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson who feels it’s highly probable (50:50) that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive. How did he draw that conclusion? He points to the fact that humans and chimpanzees share more than 98 percent of the same DNA, but our intelligence levels are nowhere near the same range. So, he says, there could be beings “out there” whose intelligence is much greater than ours. By comparison we would be drooling, blithering idiots. “If that’s the case, it is easy for me to imagine that everything in our lives is just a creation of some other entity for their entertainment,” he says.

Recently, the Pentagon released three videos of UFO sightings by personnel in military aircraft. This adds to the mounting evidence that humans are merely one form of  intelligent life in the universe; we are not the only one.

If Earth is an option in a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game, why did we select it? Why are we in this place, wearing these bodies, at this time?

Aldous Huxley offered one explanation worth considering: “Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.” That would explain a lot, wouldn’t it? We are immersed in some frightening dramas; unquestionably, COVID-19 fits into that category.

But would we be as frightened if we considered the possibility that this world is a small part of a larger reality? If beings with higher intelligence are observing us, we are not here to entertain them, but to challenge ourselves. What if our goal in entering this realm was to grow in evolutionary ways, pay off as much karmic debt remaining from past appearances and avoid two things: accumulating any new debt and getting so “into character” that we believe we are the costumes we’re wearing.

In DQWs, we spend time in that space. It is a breathtaking, thought-provoking, and often hilarious ride on a path that leads to self-discovery. Players leave with a more expansive and less fearful view of themselves and the world around them. More important, they take with them a goodie bag of tools to help them uncover their unique purpose. With those tools, players are more likely to fulfill their unique soul purpose before their final curtain falls.

DQWorkshops are for individuals and groups of all sizes. Come play with us!