Tour Begins, Freebies End

Friday, March 28, marks an important milestone: The launch of the most joyful work of my lifetime: The Bringing in the Light Tour and the release of my new book, Crossing an Unseen Bridge.

Last summer, four authors and speakers, Gaile Dry-Burton, Patrice Gaines and Trevy McDonald, and myself founded HIPP Books, LLC, deriving our name from our dedication to promote Health, Inspirational, Peace and Prosperity. When we decided to take our act on the road, it was best-selling author Patrice Gaines who offered another name: “Bringing in the Light.” It described our mission perfectly.
Since that fateful day, we have created an empowering series of workshops that are as insightful as they are fun. As the tour schedule develops, I will keep you posted. In most cases, the events are free. In each city, we’re featuring a local author in our genre. In New York, it’s best-selling author Terrie M. Williams. We’re very excited about that.
There will be two “Come, Bring Your Light” panel discussions on each side of the main event. Both are in Harlem. Friday evening at 6 o’clock, we’ll be at the National Black Theatre of Harlem and Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, we’ll wrap up at Hue-Man Books and Cafe.

Publicity surrounding the main event on Saturday, March 29 at The New School University in Greenwich Village has created quite a buzz. (Maybe it was the news that New York’s famed Dinosaur Bar-B-Q is catering the free lunch.) At any rate, it’s the hottest ticket in town. To make sure that they don’t have to turn you away, RSVP no later than today to: Warning: It might already be too late. Speaking of too late…
Free Downloads End Tonight!
The floodgates are about to close! If you’re one of the few who hasn’t read Crossing an Unseen Bridge (and hasn’t discovered the Law of Attraction secrets that no one wants to talk about), downloads are free until midnight. I’ve enjoyed sharing it with you.

Have you seen any of the Crossing an Unseen Bridge reviews? Readers are sending back a lot of love from the other side. Not since “Drama Queens” have I cried such happy tears! The feedback has touched me as deeply as you tell me that this book has touched you. Read a few reviews.

We’ve noticed an uptick in downloads and sales of EARTH Is the MOTHER of All Drama Queens–especially by those who have read Crossing an Unseen Bridge. Maybe it’s because the two are perfect companion books–or maybe it’s because this is the first time that the 320-page book has been offered free. If it’s the latter, here’s a news flash: Drama Queen freebies also end tonight.

One thought on “Tour Begins, Freebies End

  1. Anonymous

    I have seen the light! Having attended the Bringing in the Light workshops on March 29th, I was impressed by the diversity–in the speakers and in the audience. It was this diversity in backgrounds and topics of the speakers that offered something for everyone. People were moved to tears. Emotions were touched to the core. There were those who were more verbal and others, like me, whose insides were bursting with emotions and feelings that I chose not to articulate publicly. But, girlfriends don’t think I didn’t have something to say!Many of us felt that each speaker struck a cord in us, soft or loud. And what I heard continues to resonate with me. In my quiet times, I go back and remember something one of the speakers said and reflect on it. You caused us to question and reexamine things that we had become so uncomfortably comfortable with. You opened wounds that had not healed property, that were scared and ugly. Perhaps this time we have a better chance of taking care of ourselves, putting us first and healing the right way. You gave us the tools to set us on our way.I think that we could have been there all day talking, releasing, expressing and supporting one another. We all needed what you ladies had to offer. I just wish there was more time. You are healers . . . one at a time . . . ten at a time . . . twenty at a time. If you change one person’s life, then you have made a difference. I’m not the same person I was a week ago. I never will be! Praise God!And that ending . . . oh my God! I won’t share the secret in case my comments are shared in the future. But ladies you need to bottle that–or shall I say record it! I wish that I could just pop what I heard in my car’s CD player, when I’m driving, stuck in traffic, on the treadmill or at home just before going to bed; and, just have those words of encouragement and promise flow through me like warm water, calming my soul, recharging my mind and reinforcing who I am and who I can be. I think the impact would be just as effective. It’s like a shot of vitamin B12. I’d be set for the day!Would a packed audience have made this better? Would the dynamics have changed? Would you have healed more souls? Would you have sold more books? I’m sure the answer is YES to all of those questions. But I believe everyone who was there was meant to be there and what was supposed to happen, happened just the way it was intended. You have thrown a pebble in the quiet calm and complacent pool of life–GET READY FOR THE RIPPLE! You are going to have your socks blessed off your precious feet! May you have favor in all that each of you do, may your endeavors and your family be blessed financially beyond your wildest dreams. And may God bring you the vehicles and opportunities to reach millions with your precious works. And remember, in numbers there is strength, so here’s to the dynamic team you put together—God bless each of you individually and collectively.Natalie

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